Monday, April 7, 2008

La De Da

Well I haven't heard back from the place I had the interview with yet, but i'm not worried. If I get it yay, if I don't it was worth a shot.

I think i'm going to go back to Weight Watchers next week, I was going for a while back in October and quit going once the holidays rolled around. It's hard to behave when all that good food is around. I've been meaning to go back since January, but somehow it's now April and I haven't gone back yet. So this is my last week before I have to behave again, and i'm going to make the best of it. I can hear the chocolate chip cookies calling me now.

One of my best friends and I had a lazy day yesterday afternoon/evening. We got popcorn, cookies, doriteos and an artichoke. Now this wasn't your average artichoke. It was about three times the size of your average one. So we got it to her house and we couldn't get the lid for the pot on. So we had to improvise and ended up using a bowl to cover the pot with. It took 5.5 hours to cook the damn thing. We watched some B movie called April Fools Day and Sweeney Tood. I must say Swenny Todd wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. It was weird. And that all I have to say about that.

I also discovered I shouldn't have Expresso. It probaly makes sense considering im not a soda drinker. But I tried a Cramel Expresso Frap from Starbucks today and my hands were shaking slightly for half an hour. So no more expresso for me.

It's amazing how you think about what you want to write during the day, then when you get the chance to login and actualy "blog" it, you can't remember half of what it was you were thinking.

Tata For Now.


Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

I'm jealous sounded like fun!